The Propaganda Archive

A project by Propagandopolis to create the internet’s largest archive of propaganda posters, postcards, pamphlets, stamps and other ephemera.

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Why the capitalist gun is inferior (Black Panther graphic, 1970)

Text: Why the capitalist gun is inferior.

Year: July 4, 1970.

Publisher: The Black Panther newspaper.

Artist: NA.

Additional information: Compares the AK-47 and M-16. The article includes images of both rifles as well as photos of Soviet and Cuban troops with AK-47s captioned ‘The AK-47 works equally well in Cuban heat and Russian winter’. The article was originally published in the San Jose Maverick (later shortened to ‘Maverick’) and was written by ‘Will B. Outlaw’, pseudonym of Stanford professor H. Bruce Franklin, who concludes that ‘the basic communist assault rifle beats the hell out of the basic capitalist one’.