The Propaganda Archive

A project by Propagandopolis to create the internet’s largest archive of propaganda posters, postcards, pamphlets, stamps and other ephemera.

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The Dutch are at the back, you’re at the front (Indonesian poster, ca. 1945-49)

Text: The Dutch are at the back, you’re at the front. As always: the Dutch are at the back, you’re at the front. Why: the Dutch can easily run, and you’re the one to die. And yet: the Dutch have higher salaries, eat better food, earn promotions faster.

Year: 1945-49.

Publisher: Banjarnegara Information Bureau of Central Java.

Artist: NA.

Additional information: Poster depicts Dutch colonial soldiers driving a jeep protected by various Indonesian groups and ethnicities, criticising Dutch privileges compared to Indonesian recruits. The groups/ethnicities are: Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese (or Pao An Tui, Chinese-Indonesians self-defence groups), Madurese, the Pasundan People’s Party (a Sundanese separatist group in the western part of Java) and Heiho (Indonesians previously recruited by the Japanese).