The Propaganda Archive

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It is only Russian blood! (White Russian leaflet, 1928)

Text: It is only Russian blood! Never mind, we get the dollars; they only cost Russian blood! American profits are obtained by prolonging Russian oppression.

Partial transcription of the third leaflet:

‘Politics have nothing to do with morals. Europe is bold enough to say so. But we address ourselves to citizens of America, where, it seems, Christian and human morality are still existant.

‘How can we admit your consciously doing a thing so pernicious to yourselves, as supporting morally and financially the sworn enemies of civilisation – the dictators who have made Moscow their headquarters? We can not believe it. To us you appear as a people asleep during a fire unaware of the approaching danger; and it is our duty to give the alarm “fire” and arouse you.

‘Who are “we”? “We” means Russian public opinion, the voice of the great Russian nation, whose free speech in Russia has been smothered by Communism. Those who can speak freely, in the name of Russian people, are its million sons who left Russia to save themselves from perdition and slavery and who are now under the protection of civilized and democratic States.

‘We are the witnesses of Europe’s short-sightedness, of Europe’s historical crime of supporting the despotic communistic power. Few are the clear minds, few are the political groups, that are aware of this evil and combat it. And it is with hope and high moral satisfaction that we look to the great American Republic, which has always been a true friend of the Russian race and which at this tragic moment of Russia’s Golgotha is the only one not to kneel down before the idol of the third International – that leech sticking to Russia’s body and sucking its life blood. America will not recognise the Russian communists as Russia’s governmental power, and she is right in calling usurpers those who temporarily took possession of power and now hold it by force and fraud. America’s wise policy is the only one worthy of a great democratic state based on right and freedom.’

Year: 1928.

Publisher: Russian National Committee.

Artist: NA.

Additional information: White Russian, anti-Bolshevik leaflets published in 1928 accusing ‘American Capitalists’ of profiting off Russian suffering. The first shows a ‘peace’ coin dripping with blood. The second shows a capitalist pouring coins on the Bolsheviks while Mother Russia cries. The Russian National Committee was a White emigre organsiation active in anti-Bolshevik agitation in the 1920s and 30s.