The Propaganda Archive

A project by Propagandopolis to create the internet’s largest archive of propaganda posters, postcards, pamphlets, stamps and other ephemera.

This archive is currently a work in progress. New content and features will be added over the coming months. If you would like to learn about or support the project, you can do so below:

Victory! (Soviet poster, 1945)

Text: Victory! May this day remain through the ages / The union of friendship, glory and valour! / The fascist beast is forever turned to ash / Victory has come! And in her hands / The flags of the free peoples proudly wave. / The world has never seen such victory! / Glory to the heroes! Greetings to the Allies!

Year: 1945.

Publisher: TASS.

Artist: NA.

Additional Information: Shows the personified Victory in her chariot parading the captive fascist beast and waving Soviet, British and American flags.