The Propaganda Archive

A project by Propagandopolis to create the internet’s largest archive of propaganda posters, postcards, pamphlets, stamps and other ephemera.

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We scathingly condemn U.S. imperialism for brutal suppression of U.S. Black Panther Party (American illustration, 1971)

Text: Intercommunal News – We scathingly condemn U.S. imperialism for brutal suppression of U.S. Black Panther Party.

Year: 30 January, 1971.

Publisher: The Black Panther newspaper.

Artist: NA.

Additional information: Illustration shows Patrice Lumumba, Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, Mao and Kim Il-Sung. The graphic and accompanying article were reprinted from The Pyongyang Times and featured in The Black Panther’s “Intercommunal News” section, which reported on communist countries and movements around the world. This particular article describes the ‘imperialists’’ efforts to shut down the Black Panthers’ Constitutional Convention, presumably referring to the ‘Revolutionary People’s Constitutional Convention’ that was due to be held in Washington DC in November 1970 but failed as a result of disorganisation and police action.