The Propaganda Archive

A project by Propagandopolis to create the internet’s largest archive of propaganda posters, postcards, pamphlets, stamps and other ephemera.

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Black is Beautiful, Communism is Not (American pamphlet, ca. 1985)

Text: Black is beautiful, communism is not. If you think that I am crazy, please ask Mexicans. Have you ever heard of any smart Mexican sneaking across the border into Cuba, Nicaragua, or the USSR? Boat people never swim to Red China for equality and justice. Black African brothers are not running from South Africa. They run from Zimbabwe, Angola and Mozambique TO South Africa.

Year: 1985.


Artist: NA.

Additional information: In the booklet, Schuman describes his past life as a Soviet propagandist and calls on readers to reject the Soviets’ purportedly massive global disinformation campaign and to acknowledge that ‘your country is the last hope for mankind’s survival, freedom and justice’. The pamphlet was based off a speech delivered by Schuman in Atlanta earlier the same year and was one of several similar tracts written by Schuman in the mid-1980s, others including ‘Love Letter to America’ and ‘World Thought Police’.