The Propaganda Archive

A project by Propagandopolis to create the internet’s largest archive of propaganda posters, postcards, pamphlets, stamps and other ephemera.

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Don’t slam the door on the future (British poster, 1975)

Text: Don’t slam the door on the future – unite with Europe! For your family’s sake – Say yes to a LIBERAL Europe.

Year: 1975.

Publisher: Liberal Party.

Artist: Unknown.

Additional information: Published during the 1975 referendum on continued membership of the European Communities (EC) showing a family opening a door to Europe, with text below listing the benefits of continued membership to each family member:

For Gran: A share in a peaceful and united Europe’s higher pensions.

For Dad: A bigger say at work with a share in his firm’s profit.

For Mum: A rising standard of living with secure food supplies at sensible prices; equal pay for work of equal value.

For the Kids: A great future, in a Europe offering more opportunities and a better way of life.

For your family’s sake – Say yes to a LIBERAL Europe.

The poster was published by the Liberal Party which campaigned for continued membership of the EC through their Liberal Europe Campaign. Voters ultimately opted to stay in the EC, with 67% voting in favour.