The Propaganda Archive

A project by Propagandopolis to create the internet’s largest archive of propaganda posters, postcards, pamphlets, stamps and other ephemera.

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Hold on, Russia! (British poster, 1941)

Text: Hold on, Russia! Arms from London are coming! West & N.W. London’s war factories urgently need 8,000 more women.

Year: 1941.

Publisher: Ministry of Labour and National Service.

Artist: Not specified.

Additional information: Printed in London newspapers, the ad came with the accompanying text: “London women would – will if necessary – man London’s barricades as Moscow women man theirs. It is not likely to come to that so long as Russia holds out. Just because we know the Russians’ battles are not only their own but ours also, we long to help them! And the chance to do it is here! Here on the very door step of London where the great factories are turning out tanks and planes! There is room in these factories NOW for 8,000 women.”

Low resolution image here: