I. V. Stalin on the defensive lines near Moscow (Soviet painting, 1947)
Text: NA. Year: 1947. Publisher: NA. Artist: Pavel Petrovich Sokolov-Skalia. Additional Information: Shows Stalin visiting soldiers at the front during the Battle of Moscow.
The final hour! (Soviet poster, 1921)
Text: The final hour! Year: 1921. Publisher: NA. Artist: NA. Additional Information: Shows a dagger-shaped clock hand reading “communism” about to decapitate “capital”.
Literacy is the path to communism (Soviet poster, 1920)
Text: Literacy is the path to communism. Workers of the world, unite! [on book] Year: 1920. Publisher: NA. Artist: NA. Additional Information: Published in several languages at the start of the Bolsheviks’ literacy programme. Yiddish, Tatar, Polish below: