Once I was a smoker … and then I quit! (Soviet poster, 1983)
Text: Once I was a smoker … and then I quit! Year: 1983. Publisher: NA. Artist: I.A. Volzhova. Additional Information: Part of the USSR’s larger sobriety campaign.
The people of Afghanistan (Soviet poster, 1983)
Text: The people of Afghanistan will destroy the international imperialist gangs! Year: 1983. Publisher: NA. Artist: NA. Additional Information: Shows an Afghan soldier repelling an attack by monstrous US-sponsored mercenaries.
Shooting to kill (American magazine, 1983)
Text: Shooting to kill. Year: 12 September 1983. Publisher: Time magazine. Additional information: Published after the Soviets shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007. The plane entered prohibited Soviet airspace while flying from Alaska to Seoul and was downed by a Su-15, sparking an international crisis and anti-Soviet outrage.