United Kingdom
Propaganda from the United Kingdom.
In memory of Wales (Welsh poster, 1975)
Text: In memory of Wales – to be killed by the Common Market. Year: 1975. Publisher: Plaid Cymru. Artist: NA. Additional information: Plaid Cymru campaigned against membership of the EC in 1975, arguing that (among other things) membership confirmed the country’s status as a subordinate region and would ensure ‘the death of Wales as a…
Look … is it loaded? (British poster, ca. 19540
Text: Look … is it loaded? Accidents will happen unless you ensure that magazine and chamber are empty. Publisher: War Office. Year: ca. 1954. Arist: NA. Additional information: NA.
Hit him hard (British magazine, 2013)
Text: Hit him hard. Publication: The Economist. Year: 31 August 2013. Artist: NA. Additional Information: Calling for air strikes against Bashar al-Assad in retaliation for the chemical attacks in Ghouta, Damascus, a week earlier.