Come, come, Nicholas! (French illustration, 1906)
Text: Come, come, Nicholas! The good Lord calls for you above! The larger caption reads: ‘When his turn comes’. Year: 1906. Publisher: NA. Artist: Gabriele Galantara. Additional information: The illustration was created for a special issue of the socialist-anarchist magazine L’Assiette au Beurre, which focused on the 1905 Russian Revolution. It portrays the overthrow and…
Arriba España (Spanish poster, ca. 1938)
Text: ‘Spain, One, Great and Free. Spain, Arise!’ Visible graffiti includes: UGT (General Union of Workers), UHP (a Republican slogan, ‘Unios de Hermanos Proletarios’), CNT (National Confederation of Labor), FAI (Iberian Anarchist Federation) and ‘Viva Russia!’. Year: Undated, circa 1938. Publisher: Press and Propaganda, Mural Section. Artist: NA. Additional information: NA.
Long Live the Red Army (Soviet poster, 1942)
Text: Long Live the Red Army. The sons of all the peoples of the Soviet Union go into battle for the Soviet motherland. Long live the Red Army – the army of brotherhood and friendship of the peoples of the USSR! Year: 1942. Publisher: TASS (Soviet state news agency). Artist: Pavel Petrovich Sokolov-Skalia. Additional information:…